News and Blogs

Endo Connect Quality Medical And Scientific Products

TCS Medical are growing …

We are actively looking for channel partners around the world (outside of Australia and New Zealand) for our EndoSelect® range, If you are an established healthcare company looking for a quality range of products primarily aimed at Endoscopy and Infection Control.

Please contact us for further information

bedside pre cleaning kit sponge plus and ecobowl Quality Medical And Scientific Products

TCS Medical continues quest to improve sustainability: introducing EndoSelect® EcoBowl.

In 2021 our focus was on education of our team and recycling in our workplace, introducing a range of initiatives to reduce our corporate and personal carbon footprint.
In 2022, we have been looking at our products and processes, looking for opportunities to make more environmentally friendly choices.
After product trials and positive feedback, we have now expanded our EndoSelect® range to include a biodegradable bowl option for our popular bedside pre-cleaning kits, giving our customers the choice of a more environmentally friendly product without compromise on quality or performance.

If you would like more information or would like to try our EcoBowl, contact or speak to your Ecolab account manager.

EndoSelect® a TCS Medical brand, is exclusively available in Australia & New Zealand from our channel partner Gallay (an Ecolab® Company)

Morniing tea


Earlier this month we hosted Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. The TCS team raised an impressive $1,254. The Biggest Morning Tea raises funds for life-saving research, prevention programs and support services for patients and their families. Thank you to the team for their generosity. It was a lovely afternoon and a great excuse to get everyone together over all some delicious food. We look forward to supporting the Cancer Council again next year.


Managing Haemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids / Hemorrhoids also known as piles are probably more common than you think, with an estimated 75% of adults suffering from piles at some stage of their lives.  Ageing, pregnancy and being over-weight are all factors that can lead to Haemorrhoids.

Changes in lifestyle such as changes to diet, exercise and digestive health care, can in many cases improve symptoms, but lifestyle changes take time, so what can be done in the interim to manage discomfort and pain of flare ups? As with all medical conditions, it is advisable to consult a health care professional before starting any treatment which for piles can range from simple topical treatments to surgery. A topical treatment often recommended to relieve the symptoms of piles is suppository medication; this may be prescribed medication or medication that is available over the counter from a chemist. Suppository medication is directly targeted and provides fast acting symptom relief, but inserting suppositories correctly can be a challenge and if done incorrectly can result in leakage and soiling of clothes and also bedcovers in care settings. A new suppository applicator called Sephure® has been designed to ensure the correct placement of suppositories. Sephure® makes it is easy for suppository medication to be self-administered, correct placement means users do not need to wear protective underwear. Sephure® can also be used by care givers as a quick, clean and secure means of suppository placement for their patients, correct placement is comfortable for the patient, avoids leakage and unwanted expulsion and reduces the potential of soiling of undergarments and bedlinen, maintaining patient dignity and saving cost and time. Sephure® can be used with most suppositories and is available in a number of sizes, a handy size guide can be found here along with further product information.

TCS - Quality First

We are proud to announce we passed our recent quality audit with flying colours and were awarded a new ISO13485 Certificate for the Design, Development, Manufacture and Supply of Endoscopy Infection Control Consumables & Accessories, General Infection Control, Safety and Patient Care Products.


Business Clean Up Day

Recently our team at TCS Medical participated in Business Clean Up Day.  As a company we are proud to do our best at protecting resources and the environment. We recognise that not only should we clean up rubbish that is already in our streets but more importantly focus on preventing as much rubbish as possible entering the environment in the first place.

At TCS Medical we have made many changes within our workplace. We now recycle our soft plastics as well as cardboard, hard plastic, glass etc; we compost our food scraps, and our staff can bring in old toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, batteries, pens and much more that we sort out and take to our local recycling depo.

If everyone starts to make changes, it will make a difference. We at TCS Medical will continue to make more environmentally friendly choices as we care for you and the environment.

Happy New Year 2021!

We recognise that 2020 has been a challenging and exhausting year. The fallout from the Coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent financial and emotional hardships have taken their toll on so many people, families and businesses. Many with health conditions have suffered the impacts of Covid-19, or had to isolate ourselves from family and friends and we are saddened by the loss of lives that have occurred from Covid-19 in Australia as well as around the world.

We feel fortunate to be living in Australia where the pandemic is being contained and controlled. There is also more good news on the horizon with the vaccine that will soon be made available for distribution.

TCS Medical would like to wish all our staff and customers the best of health and happiness in the coming year. We look forward to working with you all and supporting each other as we navigate a new normal for us all.

HAPPY NEW YEAR from the team at TCS Medical.

Managing Constipation

Managing Constipation for Busy People on the Go

Constipation is not uncommon, hectic lifestyles, stress, anxiety, lack of activity, poor diet and use of some medications can all contribute to digestive issues including constipation. Constipation may cause discomfort and is often accompanied by tiredness and feeling sluggish and can even affect skin condition.

Prevention is better than cure, and simple lifestyle changes like increasing hydration, dietary fibre and exercise can often resolve mild symptoms, but as with all medical conditions, it is advisable to talk to a medical professional if your symptoms persist.

Various natural and over the counter medications are available to relieve constipation, one of the fastest action methods is the use of suppositories. Suppositories are inserted into the rectum, directly releasing medication and providing rapid relief, but positioning suppositories can be tricky and if not positioned correctly can cause embarrassing leakage and even expulsion of the medication before it has had time to work.

A new suppository applicator called Sephure® has been designed to combat these issues by making it easy to self-administer the suppository without the user having to lie down so treatment can be used when needed and doesn’t have to wait until you are at home. Correct positioning of the suppository means no leaks and helps to retain medication until it has time to be effective in producing a bowel movement. 

Further information click here

TCS Medical Goes Social

TCS Medical Goes Social

Take a look at our recently updated TCS Medical LinkedIn page. Click the follow button to stay informed, about all our latest product and company information.


Closed For The Holidays

The team at TCS Medical would like to say thank-you to our customers and suppliers for their continued support throughout 2020. We are taking a short break and will be closed from the 21st December until the 11th January 2021. Wishing you all a happy festive season and look forward to working with you all again in the new year.
TCS Medical New Website

Check Out Our New Website

Completely redesigned and featuring our latest products and services, we hope you like it!

EndoSelect Sephure

New Products Coming Soon

TCS Medical will soon be adding new products to our CareSelect range; starting with Sephure®, a uniquely designed suppository applicator for the fast, clean and comfortable insertion of suppository medication. Register now for advanced details and free samples.

Latest Product To Our EndoSelect® Range

Disposable Buttons and Valves for Endoscopes

ndoSelect® introduces a new range of high-quality disposable buttons and valves, offering great performance and value. With options to purchase 2, 3 4 or 5 components in a set. All sets feature easy to open minimal packaging with traceability stickers. Please contact us for more information.
Washing Hands

Hand Cleaning Recommendations

Here are several ways to ensure you have good hand hygiene. The best and most simple way is to regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and dry them thoroughly. If you cannot access soap and running water, then we recommend using a 70%+ alcohol-based hand sanitiser.  While this is not a product we supply, we are happy to provide recommendations. Please contact us for more information.
Covid 19 Current Supplies

Current Supply

Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, like many suppliers and manufacturers, we are experiencing a shortage of certain product lines. Please be aware that some of our products may currently be out of stock or have longer shipping times than usual. We appreciate your understanding and support during this difficult time. If you have any question or concerns please contact us.

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Copyright 2020 – TCS Medical®